Are You Feeling Boxed In?

Dec 06, 2022

Are You Feeling Boxed In?

You no doubt have heard the phrase ‘boxed into a corner’.

Whether in the ring or in life in general, it can be a real turning point in our results.

Being boxed in is widely described as having nowhere to run, a position where you’ve only got very limited options left ahead.

None of them tend to appear to be what you want at this moment.

However, …

I’ve discovered through hard-nosed experience that these are amazing opportunities to raise your game to the next level…or ‘die’ trying.

It’s almost a fight or flight situation. Nobody can sustain being pummelled in a corner for an extended period without it being negative for you over the long term.

At some point you have to take massive action…to stand your ground and do something you may have never thought possible before.

Whether it’s launching a new business, taking charge of your health and fitness, smashing a bully, saying no because it’s the right thing to do or anything else which fits your current situation…you can’t avoid it for much longer.

This is where my Mental Boxing Masterclass comes in.

I’ll give you the tools and personally guide you through it.

No fears, no worries and no more ‘boxed in’ paralysis.

Let’s get it on and get winning

Box Clever with Billy ๐ŸฅŠ


Former British, Commonwealth, European & World Boxing Champion, Billy Schwer is now a professional speaker and personal performance coach. He is committed to sharing his experience and knowledge with others to help them live a life full of passion, power and purpose.