Let's debunk the No Pain no Gain Myth.

May 10, 2022

Let's debunk the No Pain no Gain Myth.


I could be controversial but I’m going to make my case.

We have been told that ‘No-pain-no gain’ is the way forward for creating success.

After 50 years of experience, I have a different view.

For physical performance, especially elite levels, you definitely have to break through old limitations which often cause real physical discomfort.

Running quicker hurts…there is no comfortable lactic acid burn (for example).

But, what if this is not true for other areas of your life?

A wise friend of mine just shared this powerful insight with me:


“When life becomes hard, it’s not life”.


It made me think.

If you’re learning new skills in areas such as health, fitness, finance, relationships, business etc…why should it be painful?

When you set yourself up right with the principles of Mental Boxing, almost magically the ‘pain’ leaves. It starts in the mind.

Consciousness does not experience pain. It’s our attitude to it that makes the difference. Is your attitude having you win or lose?

Suffering isn’t necessarily mandatory.

If you want to know the secret contact me now and I’ll give you the lowdown on what you can do now to leverage and transform so you can win more often in Life & Business.

Let’s get it on!

Box Clever with Billy 🥊


Former British, Commonwealth, European & World Boxing Champion, Billy Schwer is now a professional speaker and personal performance coach. He is committed to sharing his experience and knowledge with others to help them live a life full of passion, power and purpose.