
Mar 22, 2022


When we’re stuck or frustrated in getting the results we want, I’ve found there are a number of simple things we can do to kick-start a change of direction.

Let’s take our attempts at losing excess weight and or getting fit.
For many people I work with, it's just getting started that’s often a challenge.

It has been said that the hardest thing about taking up a fitness programme is taking the first steps.

What’s the first practical step?

Put your trainers on and get out the door.

Walk or run or even run/walk combination, rain or shine…just getting out the door is the first step in building momentum.

It doesn’t matter if you can’t go more than 10 minutes on day 1 – what matters is you’ve got moving and just by doing this simple step you’ll probably discover it’s not as bad as our imagination had told us.

So, my tip for today is simple…if you’re stuck just get moving, build on it, be consistent and in a short time you’ll be amazed how far you’ve come.

Let’s get moving!!

Let’s get it on.

Box Clever with Billy ๐ŸฅŠ


Former British, Commonwealth, European & World Boxing Champion, Billy Schwer is now a professional speaker and personal performance coach. He is committed to sharing his experience and knowledge with others to help them live a life full of passion, power and purpose.