Reality check...
Jul 04, 2023Reality check...
Today’s message is about a very recent experience I had.
One which took me by complete surprise, to say the least. It literally left me breathless and questioning 40 years’ worth of time invested.
However, I’ve taken this experience as a fantastic feedback tool and will use it to leverage my results going forward.
“What are you talking about, Billy? “I hear you ask.
A few days back I had to run to catch a train, which I thought would be a piece of cake.
I was so blown cardio wise I felt like I’d never done that type of training before.
But what about the 40 years of hard training…where did that go?
What I realised was I’d been recently focussing on my strength training (which is going well), but neglected my cardio which I had taken for granted. So now it’s going to be about balance.
The KEY lesson here is it doesn’t matter what I thought my 40 years of training had previously given me…I and we still need to maintain it going forward.
And maintenance is far easier than rebuilding.
Just my thoughts…what about you?
Let’s get breathless!
Box Clever with Billy 🥊