May 02, 2023Sold...
Most people I know aren’t a fan of sales and selling. They often think it’s ‘ugly’, manipulative and frankly, a little Arthur Daley.
However, in practising the high-impact art and science of mental boxing, SELLING IS ESSENTIAL!
But I’m not talking about any market-trader type stunts or tricks…or high-level business marketing strategies.
I’m talking about the only person you need to sell is… YOU!
There’s a lot of wishful thinking, dreamy aspirations and false hope floating about. This is normal.
Consider your own goals and plans…are they exciting enough to have totally SOLD you on doing what it takes to get them done (even if you don’t currently know how)?
I think Jim Rohn said – “If you were to show me your current goals and plans – would I get excited by it?”.
Let’s get it on!
P.s New group traing program starting soon, message me if you’re interested in finding out more.
Box Clever with Billy 🥊