Why Everyone Needs a Coach

Best Life Coach In London
Every world champion has a coach. Now you may not have any Desire to be a world champion, but most people have a Desire to achieve more and Be more in their lives.
The problem that we have is that ‘life’ kind of gets in the way and we often settle for second best because we don’t have the time, knowledge, or the energy to get around or through our challenges.
In other words, we get stuck or, in many cases, hit our peak, because we are thinking in the same ‘OLD’ way… and unless we change how we think, we will keep getting the same ‘OLD’ results in our lives.
With Billy’s Mental Boxing Personal Performance Coaching programs, he can help you change the way you think to enable you to break down the barriers that are preventing you from getting what you want in your life or stop you repeating un-useful or unwanted patterns of behaviour to raise your performance and create a future that you Desire.

So, if your life could go better, or there are things in your life that need changing or you have goals that you are struggling to achieve, then you need a coach!
What Billy’s Mental Boxing coaching programs can do for you is to look at your current thinking patterns and change anything that is either not useful or could be improved to achieve the results that you want.
One of the massive benefits of Billy’s personal Coaching at Mental Boxing, over all other coaching, is that he has the technology to help you change all the thinking that has prevented you from achieving the results that you want in your life.
Once the thinking is changed achieving your goals should be relatively straightforward with the new thinking.
Whatever caused you to plateau ‘Will’ be resolved with this type of coaching and then you really do have the opportunity of living your life with Passion Power and Purpose.
"It's having the discipline and dedication in the unrelenting pursuit of your desire that will enable you to attain the success you seek."

Billy Schwer
World Boxing Champion
How Does It Work?
You have an initial consultation by phone with Billy (this is free of charge). During this call, you will give an overview of what you want to achieve and perhaps any relevant reasons that you have not achieved it already (if you know).
Billy will explain the coaching process and how it will benefit you specifically. At the end of this discussion, both parties will decide whether they want to work together or not.
Now the next bit is important!
This call will give Billy a lot of the information he needs to be certain what needs to be done. You will then have several coaching sessions. Each session will be aimed at removing your ‘mental’ blocks and clearing out any ‘baggage’ in your neurology.
The following sessions will go like this…
You will be set a task (which will essentially be the next step towards your goal which is agreed between you and Billy) and you will be expected to complete that task.
On the next session, we review the task set, work on any areas in your thinking that may have come up that are creating problems for you and then set the next task, which is the next step towards you achieving your goal.
These sessions are normally done on Skype but can be done face to face.
The idea is that throughout the coaching process you will be moving inexorably towards your goal with Billy in your corner, guiding you through the process and who you can bounce ideas and challenges off, Billy will understand how you think and has the experience and knowledge to help you change.
Why Come to Billy for Life Coaching?
There are a lot of coaches out there, which one is the right one for you?
How do you know they are going to be good enough to get you the best results?
Has your coach been tried and tested?
Billy Schwer is a former World Boxing Champion who is now a Personal Performance Coach for Mental Boxing. Billy is a Certified Master Practitioner of NLP (ABNLP) Certified Master Practitioner of Time Line Therapy (creating your future technique) a Certified Master Practitioner of Hypnosis and a Certified Master NLP Coach. Billy also has over 10 years of experience in the study of Ontology (the study of the art and science of being)
In addition to the above Billy incorporates 23 years’ worth of boxing experience (after all Boxing is a Great Metaphor for Life) alongside his academic studies and is very experienced in the world of personal change and growth.
What Billy’s Coaching is NOT
Coaching is not counselling or consulting. Counselling deals with the content of your past. In other words, you would spend much time talking about the ‘dramas’ in your life and the theory is that by talking about it you get some form of resolution on it.
Our form of coaching does NOT ask you to discuss at length the content of your past. Using NLP and Time Line Therapy, Billy can resolve your past issues and without going into the details.
When we do this, you change your thinking which will allow Billy to start to coach you into your future.
What Billy’s Coaching IS
A developmental ongoing interaction between you and Billy assisting you in achieving your goals and objectives and supporting you to produce successful results in your life and ultimately altering your future.
Billy facilitates change through verbal and non-verbal communication (questions, reflections, explanations, metaphors, tasks, guiding focus, exercises, etc.).
Billy creates and facilitates change, elicits, selects, trains, asks meaningful questions, motivates, creates insight, explains, tasks, evokes, challenges, stimulates, supports and encourages your self-expression.
Billy is different from a conventional coach because he has the ‘technology’ to help you get rid of any blockages in your thinking that may have prevented from previously being able to achieve all your goals.
The technology that we refer to is NLP, Time Line Therapy™ or Creating Your Future techniques™ and hypnosis.
Essentially a client comes to us with the thinking that has resulted in their achievements, or non-achievements, so far in their life. If they want to achieve more then they need to change that thinking and we have the tools to help the client do that.
Commit to Your Dreams, Take inspired Action, and Make it Happen! Live your life with Passion Power & Purpose…
Get in touch now to find out how Billy and his team will support you in Producing World Class Results.