"You've taken me from a zero to hero in 6 weeks,Β Iβm now a 10 out of 10.Β I feel amazing!β

“Billy, I've had a fantastic day, 10 out 10 doesn't seem enough to describe how I feel.”

"I’ve raised my game and the results I’m now seeing both in my business and personal life are so far ahead of anything I could have envisaged, it’s nothing short of phenomenal. I’m a 10 out of 10"

“This is the first time in my life I know I can create miracles”

“Working with a World Champion has reassured me that action and practice, practice, practice is what has me win the game of life.”

“I can’t remember the last time I woke up on a Monday morning and felt this good, and I’ve lost 6lbs in our first week."

When I started working with you my life was 2/10 (at best) The wisdom you have imparted to me means I’ve since experienced a 10/10 - and more than just as a one-off!

“Working with you has truly changed my life Billy. I wish everyone could take this journey and I’m forever grateful. You worked with me to raise my levels, beyond what I thought was possible and faster than I could have dreamed of.”

“It wasn’t easy being told to face up to the hard truths of why my life sucked. But once I did and stopped blaming everyone else, I was able to let go of the past and look towards the future.”

“Having you in my corner as part of my team is impacting my business and personal life in unimaginable ways.”

“I’ve had loads of business and personal (therapy) coaching and been told everything is going to be OK, Billy tells how it is and it’s so refreshing. No ordinary coach, a game-changer on every level."

"Having Billy as my mentor and role model has given me incredible confidence and strength to do things I had only dreamt of but with his support and advice I have now achieved more than I ever thought possible."

“I have so much more confidence and have broken down all the barriers that were getting in the way of my happiness. And it all starts with looking after yourself.”

“I’ve found my mojo to be fitter and more active - no longer using my age as an excuse for inactivity. I got stuck in mediocrity but trusting in Billy raised my levels far beyond what I thought was possible. Worth. Every. Penny.”

“Thanks again for the reset mate… Onwards and upwards!”

“I’m more 'me' now, but better, I actually like who I’m becoming and am far more confident. "I’m in a much happier place, and for that I am forever grateful."

"Things feel different, I’m becoming a Champion, getting clear of what was stopping me has made a big difference.”

“I woke up – it shone a light on my misery. “I left a 6-figure salaried job, spent some time with my family and took on work that made me less money but more happy.”

"Billy has made a significant impact on my business life, personal life, overall fitness and mental wellbeing."

“Billy got me thinking and acting like a champion, and surprise, surprise I have seen huge results and a massive shift in mindset."

“At last, I have a clear vision of where I am going, renewed self-confidence and the determination to deliver on the goals I’ve set for myself."

“Billy is no ordinary coach – he’s the ultimate game-raiser! I’ve learned that it's OK to take punches as long as I keep getting up."

“Honestly, there’s been a lot of times Billy when your tough words have got me through, your book is amazing. "It’s only hard because you say it’s hard". I won’t forget that one. "Your biggest problem is YOU", another great one and so bloody true."

“I learned what I really wanted in my life wasn’t going to come from external achievements but from the sense of acting as my true self and living according to the principles that matter to me.”

“Billy pulls no punches and has an amazing ability to identify the areas you really need to focus and take action on. It was truly a transformational experience."

“Your insight is enlightening, your energy is infectious, your determination is unwavering, and your passion is inspiring."

“Providing me with the mental tools and techniques in a very simple way. Continuous support, and constant progression.”

“I’ve gone from an over worked, over stressed, sales executive to a fulfilled and successful business owner. My business is thriving and growing. Truly life changing. I’m a champ thanks to Billy!”

I am changing my life, getting fitter, focused, and happier.”