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Conditioning Feb 15, 2022

It’s shocking how much punishment your hands take after years of being a professional fighter. It really is like trying to punch through a 6-foot thick concrete wall.

And when you think about it the structure of the bones in our hands is extremely fragile.
So how do they take...

What Is The Role of A Mentor? Oct 24, 2021

Well, simply to guide you.

They're experiences.

They've probably been there before you. So they're going to guide you. They're going to be non-judgemental.

Their experience, their wisdom.

They're going to help you and support you, so you can achieve what you want to do. A mentorship is not a...

How Does Social Media Affect Mental Health? Oct 24, 2021

Well social media is, it can be a blessing or it can be a curse. Social media people, the ones who paint their lives to be perfect, now that can be a curse because we kind of end up comparing ourselves with others. Now this beautiful lifestyle that we think that they're having. They're flawless....

Improve Your Mental Health Oct 23, 2021

I love this question!

Because I've been in the depths of despair and I've managed to get myself out of it. So I stand before you happier, more fulfilled and satisfied than I've ever been. So how did I get out of my dark days? My tough times? Exercise, nutrition. Focus on a future. Create and...

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