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Confidence... Mar 14, 2023


Funny thing this confidence subject,

Over the years, working on myself and many others, the issue of confidence comes up a lot.

Let me clarify…it’s a lack of confidence that comes up as a reason for failing to get the results needed and desired.

People often...

It all goes down in your mind... Mar 07, 2023

It all goes down in your mind...

Are you tired of feeling like you're not in control of your life?

Do you feel like you're constantly being held back by your fears and self-doubt?

Well, I have some news for you! It all goes down in your mind, and YOU have the power to take...

Are you a Mental Boxing Master? Feb 28, 2023

Mental Boxing Masters are individuals who have developed a high level of mastery over their thoughts, feelings, emotions, and their actions.

They have learned how to effectively manage their mental state and use it to their advantage, rather than being used and controlled by it.

Mental Boxing...

How to raise team performance! Feb 21, 2023

If results are stale, moral is up and down, frustration is kicking in, then what to do to raise team performance?

As a leader, business owner or manager, what quick, practical steps can you take to get your people and results where you want them?

One way, and forgive my directness, is to consider...

How do you Create Success to Enable Transformation? Feb 14, 2023

Creating success to enable transformation

In today's competitive business environment creating success can be a challenge. Finding ways to motivate your team to perform at their best and deliver the desired outcomes is a complex procedure, especially if you have a diverse group of people in your...

Reaching Goals - Who Decides? Feb 08, 2023

Reaching your goals is key to living a fulfilling and successful life. Setting goals is a relatively easy thing to do but reaching them is not. January 1st rocks around and with it too many new year’s resolutions to shake a stick at. I promise, you don’t need to be a world champ boxer...

Knocked down, not out: coming back from setbacks Jan 31, 2023

Life can be tough, and it's easy to feel like we've been knocked out for good when we face challenges and failures. But the truth is, life is a series of knockdowns, not knockouts. It’s how you come back from the setback that matters.

We will get knocked down in the process of reaching our...

Stop It! Jan 24, 2023

Stop it.

Stop what? I hear you say.

Stop getting easily distracted. Stop allowing negative influences mess with your game – changing thought patterns.

It’s like radio interference, it adds nothing and often shunts you onto a whole different and undesirable path.

I’m a simple man...

Back in the Ring... Jan 17, 2023

We’re now well into January, an important month and in many ways the first round of twelve in creating the results we truly want in life, business, and health.

It’s vital to all those who want game-raising results to get off to a fast...

X-miss! Dec 27, 2022


Another year flies by…where did it go?

Despite all the obstacles thrown our way this year, can you reflect and say it has been a year of forward movement, winning and learning…or could you call it…


Not Xmas as we know it, but a year where you feel you’ve...

Does your Team Still Make These Mistakes? Dec 13, 2022

Does your Team Still Make These Mistakes?

If these issues are currently affecting your business or organization, then this could be the most important message you read as we bring 2022 to a close.

(It could also include YOU too!).

Poor focus

Lack of enthusiasm or defeatist attitude

Teams not...

Are You Feeling Boxed In? Dec 06, 2022

Are You Feeling Boxed In?

You no doubt have heard the phrase ‘boxed into a corner’.

Whether in the ring or in life in general, it can be a real turning point in our results.

Being boxed in is widely described as having nowhere to run, a position where you’ve only got very...

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